If you didn't find an answer to your issue, please write us an e-mail via the form below, or just send us an e-mail directly at help@afrosmartshop.cm


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Afrosmartshop SARL
19 Blvd de la République
Bali - Douala, Cameroon

+237 6 59 020820
+237 6 93 982948


Do you have questions about how we can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.

Looking for an answer? Our self-help section is the fastest place to get help. Here you can track and cancel orders, or make a return. You’ll also find answers to many topics, including the payment options available at Afrosmartshop.


To reset your password, you just need to click on ‘forgotten password‘ when logging in. Enter the email address or mobile phone number you use for your Afrosmartshop account and click send/submit. You’ll receive an email with a password reset link in it (please note: this email may take a couple of hours to reach you and could appear in your spam / junk folder).

Click on the link in the email and you will be prompted to enter a new password.

You can then use your new password to login to your Afrosmartshop account.

Under “Your addresses” in your customer account, you can modify your delivery and billing addresses or add new ones.

Here you can also specify default billing and delivery addresses, which saves you time during the order process.

Tip: Update your addresses before you order as delivery and invoice addresses cannot be changed once an order is in progress.

In your customer account, under the option ‘Personal details‘, you can change your name and your password.

Do you want to change your e-mail address?

That’s easy! Just enter your new e-mail address via Personal details. For your own security, we will then send you a confirmation link to your old e-mail address so that you can verify the change.

If you have received this e-mail without changing your e-mail address, please follow the instructions in the e-mail.

Note: It can take up to 3 hours before you receive the email. Please also remember to check your spam folder. The link is active for 3 hours. If it has expired, please request a new one on your account.

If you would like to delete your account, please submit your request via your account or via our email address at help@afrosmartshop.cm

Please note that we can only delete your account if:

  • There are no open amounts due
  • You do not have a refund still in process or due
  • You do not have remaining gift card credit on your account
  • None of your orders are currently in shipment

If your account does not meet the conditions above, we can not delete it immediately. Where possible, please resolve any open matters. For open refunds and orders currently in shipment, we kindly ask for your patience. If you ordered less than 100 days ago, your account will be deleted as soon as the return period is over.

Have you moved to another country?

Then you don’t need to create a new account. Just use your existing login details and add a new billing/shipping address located in the country you’re shopping from.

For an overview of your recent orders, go to “My Orders” in your user account.

Here you may check the current delivery and payment status of your order at any time. By clicking “View Order”, you will get a detailed description of the individual orders, such as:

  • Items added
  • Your delivery address
  • What method of payment you have chosen
  • Whether the order has already been paid or whether the invoice remains open

Our tip: If you are unsure how much the outstanding invoice amount of your order is, for instance after a return, you can conveniently look this up here at any time.